Well it is finally here – I’m off to Mexico for a nice week vacation tomorrow. Well actually I am heading to Toronto tomorrow night, and then we are staying in a hotel and flying out Tuesday morning.
Being on the beach for a week has been a great motivator for my workouts over the last month or two, and I’m in the best shape I’ve been in since last summer.
With another trip coming up in April and then summer following that shortly after I want to get right back into things when I get home and continue working out hard and eating healthy. I also want to make sure that I’m eating somewhat healthy throughout my trip. Of course I’m going to have a number of “cheat” meals and some drinks most likely daily at the all inclusive resort, but I want to try and keep it relatively healthy.
If you go away for a week and just completely blow up your healthy ways it can be very tough to get back on track when you get home (I know from experience). So staying relatively healthy with my eating will help that.
So how can you eat healthy while traveling?
The first thing to do is prepare food to travel with. Although I can’t prepare food for my actual trip, I can prepare and take my own food tomorrow for my trip to Toronto. Me and the girlfriend will most likely bring some snacks for the road in a cooler and some bottles of water that will help us avoid eating junk food on the road.
If you are traveling over night you could even pack a cooler with meals for the entire trip if you like.
We will be eating a nice dinner tomorrow night so we won’t be packing much food. But that brings me to my next tip for eating healthy while traveling. When you do eat out you can choose healthy options. For example, ordering steak, chicken, or fish with some vegetables on the side will be a lot more healthy than a hamburger or high calorie pasta for example. Make sure you get some lean protein and vegetables while eating out when traveling. Also make sure to order a water or lemon water instead of a soda or alcoholic drink if you are trying to stay healthy.
If you are going away for a week to a resort like I am there are a few things you can do to ensure you are staying healthy. First off avoid the buffets if you can, and if you want to eat at a buffet look for the lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. I find that 80% of the food offered at the buffets are unhealthy, but you can find some healthy stuff there so look around. When you’re out for lunch or dinner again look for lean protein choices and always try to order vegetables on the side. Water is also the best choice for a drink, but if you’re going for an alcoholic drink a couple glasses of wine won’t hurt.
Also don’t forget to pack any vitamins or supplements you take daily. On this trip I won’t be able to pack my VegeGreens or Phytoberry unfortunately but I am going to pack my multi vitamins and some omega fish oils. You probably won’t get all of your vitamins and minerals in when eating away from home, so I highly recommend at least taking multi vitamins.
To sum up my tips for eating healthy while traveling:
- Pack healthy meals, especially for when driving (fast food can be tempting when on the road)
- Pack water bottles
- When eating out stick to lean proteins, and vegetables when you can + water to drink
- Avoid buffets that can lead to over eating or at least keep it healthy
- Pack some multi vitamins (and any other supplements you are taking)
Lastly – if you are on vacation enjoy yourself. Don’t worry too much about eating 100% healthy.
My personal workout journal
I know some of you have been following my workout updates as I’ve been trying to get in good shape for my trip, so I will give one last update before I leave.
Friday I had a really good workout before my girlfriends birthday party. At night I drank some beers (maybe a few too many) and had some cheat foods (which was planned). Saturday was my day off the gym for the week, and I was feeling pretty crappy so I’m glad I planned to take it off.
Today I got back on track with good eating so far and a chest/arm workout. I had a headache for most of my workout which sucked and cut it a little short, but I did get a good workout in. It was the 10×10 with 20 seconds rest for chest (incline dumbbell press) and that was VERY tough. Other exercises included dumbbell flies, band press down for triceps, rope press downs, dumbbell curls with drop sets at the end.
I leave for Toronto tomorrow around 2:00 so I’m getting in my last workout tomorrow which will be a lower body and core workout with some cardio at the end.
I’m not in the best shape I’ve been in, but I’m in pretty good shape. I will post a picture of two when we’re back. I also plan on continuing to workout really hard and hopefully I’ll be in the best shape I’ve ever been in for April’s trip to Panama City Beach, Florida.
Have a good week and talk to you in a week or so. Cheers!
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